In recent memory, I have very much noticed a lack of snow during the winter. Perhaps it could be that I migrated south the Madison from my origins in northern Wisconsin. But my feelings towards it have fallen closer to believing that Wisconsin, and the nation with that, is getting warmer overall.
During my grade school years, in the thick of winter, I would dream of the mornings I woke up to find that my county was listed among those that had an infamous snow day. It would always become surreal when I would come upstairs and my mother was making a warm, home-cooked breakfast. Those were the days of rejoicing for me and my sibling. Fast-forwarding to modern day, those are becoming just a distant memory. Do I think climate change is a factor of it? Yes. Do I think that it could be the only reason? No.
When it comes to a lot of hot-button issues, I always air on the side of caution with what I think is true or not, and usually fall somewhere in the middle of the polars. With climate change, I think that humans are causing this climate change at an alarming rate and that needs to change. The concern I have with the Earth becoming uninhabitable by 2050 is fairly low. Though I personally have observed the effect of climate change over the past decade.
In looking up just how much Wisconsin has warmed, it helps explain the reasoning why I have not recently had as many snowy winters as in recent past. According to WPR, Wisconsin has warmed about 2 degrees Fahrenheit since the 1950s and is projected to warm even more in the future. I think others are worried about this as well as many of the blogs surrounding mine are also about this issue. On top of that, the company I work for and the University of Wisconsin are taking many efforts into lowering their carbon footprint in order to help the effects.
I think one of the most important ideas that I've learned over the course of this class is that there is a myriad of issues that humans have caused in the pursuit of their desires, and that the solutions are usually fairly complex to solve. I understand the importance of a small carbon footprint and am not in pursuit of one day owning a house that is close to, if not fully, carbonless.
Hey Aidan! I’ve also realized that there is less snow than previous years during the winter in Wisconsin. I used to build sledding ramps in my backyard with the heavy snowfall we received but nowadays it’s not as likely. I do believe climate change definitely is a factor that is causing this to happen and that humans play a role in it but there are definitely other factors affecting it. I’m glad that you are aware of your carbon footprint and are taking action to lower it which can be very hard. I hope many more will follow your footsteps to make this world a safer place to live in.